Actinolite (ak-TEN-oh-lyht): Actinolite is a phenomenal shielding device. It assists in expanding the energy body and provides for a connection to Source energy and facilitates brotherhood. This mineral also provides a familiarity with all of those one encounters.
Agate [AG-it]: Agate provides a balancing of yin and yang energies, as well as balancing body, mind, and spirit with etheric energies. It stabilizes the aura, providing for a cleansing effect which acts to smooth dysfunctional energies. It assists one in the examination of oneself and of circumstances relevant to one's well being.
Blue Lace Agate: Blue Lace Agate teaches us that our words create our reality and can be a reflection of our highest self, and in identifying negative speech patterns and habits to shift the dialogue to be more positive. It can also be used on the third eye to soothe an overactive mind and to assist in calming and stilling our thoughts. Blue Lace Agate is calming and centering. It can help to sooth nervous or worried dispositions and to calm overly stimulated children.
Botswana: Botswana agate stimulated the exploration of the unknown and to further one’s quest toward the enlightened state. It enhances creativity and helps one to release the emotions that have been repressed. It also allows one to look for a solution, rather than dwell on the problem.
Dendritic Agate: Dendritic Agate opens our eyes to the divine blueprint of our lives and make us aware of areas where we haven't followed the pattern. It assists in viewing our habits and behaviors objectively, and in making the necessary "course corrections" needed on the path of life. Through this, Dendritic Agate assists in overcoming sources of guilt, resentment, envy, shame, blame, and other self-destructive emotions. It helps us see and forgive the experiences and people that set these patterns in motion, allowing us to form a fresh and realistic view of ourselves through a wholesome, truthful "reality check."
Fire: Fire Agates vibrate with the vitality of the physical world and are ideal tools for those who need to have an "in the body" experience. Among the spiritual inclined, there are many who attempt or wish to avoid the messy and painful difficulties of life by escaping into the upper realms. Fire Agate lights one's inner fires of life force, creativity, sexuality, and will. It activates the senses and increases the pleasure one takes in everyday life.
Moss: Moss Agate is one of the stones that would be beneficial to almost everyone. Its energies are modest but wholesome. It emanates the vibrations of balance and stability in the physical domain. It is an excellent stone for individuals recovering from illness and for those in recovery from addictions. Moss Agate can assist those who feel ungrounded or unstable. It enhances mental concentration, persistence, endurance, and bringing one's goals into completion.
Alexandrite: It is true that Alexandrite are stones of joy, and for that reason they ought to be taken seriously. These stones have a vibrational connection to Source energies of the higher dimensions, where the atmosphere is rapturous. However, one must be careful to do more than just enjoy the happy feeling; these feelings of ecstasy from the higher realms can and should be the springboard to inner exploration.
Amazonite: Amazonite is a stone of harmony, both within the self and among the people. It is a truth teller and a peacemaker, assisting one in communicating one's true thoughts and feelings without being overly emotional.
Amber: Many stones help us to connect with light, but Amber brings us warmth. The energies of Amer are very solar, and they have the quality of creating a comfortable sense of warmth, health, and well being in the wearer. Amber is recommended for those recovering from illness or injury, because it's warm and nurturing energies put us in touch with our own essential strength and security.
Amethyst: Amethyst is a stone of spiritual protection and purification. It can be an aid to curbing overindulgence and giving up bad habits. It can be used to assist one in quitting smoking, drinking, and drug use. It stimulates the crown chakra and is an aid to meditation, helping one to steal one's thoughts and move into higher states of consciousness. It can clear one's energy field of negative influences and attachments, and can thereby facilitate the creation of an energetic shield.
Ametrine: Ametrine is a harmonious blend of Amethyst and Citrine energies. Amethyst is stimulating to the crown chakra, protective to one's auric field, purifying to one's personal energies and uplifting to the spirit.
Ammonite: Ammonite provides for insight to the beginning of all things and allows one to retain the whole picture. It is a protective stone, giving stability and structure to one’s life. It can eliminate the caustic attributes and can transform negativity into a smooth, flowing energy. It also tends to encourage and to supplement one’s survival instincts. It is a stone to assist one in the promulgation of the requirements, and actions necessary for survival. It can alleviate the burdens of the birthing process and can provide for ease of relaxation, with a constant reminder of the patterns and rewards of circular breathing. It can alleviate the depression sometimes associated with the rebirthing process.
Andalusite: Andalusite can be used to promote viewing the different facets of one’s character and one’s whole being. It encourages one to look at issues rationally by helping one to see the various sides to a problem or situation. It also helps one to realize that self-sacrifice is okay, but never required. It provides a message that in order to gain access and awareness to the kingdom of spirituality, one must only focus full attention upon the intent. It is a stimulant to memory and recollection, promoting expertise in allegorical interpretation and providing for clarification of material from ancient texts. It awakens the inner knowledge allowing one to connect to the ancestral awareness and to access knowledge from the spiritual plane via channeling. It assists in facilitating clarity in the messages received and in enhancing the understanding and appreciation of the same.
Angelite: Angelite is an excellent balancing agent, polarizing and aligning the physical body with the ethereal network. It provides a protective field around the environment in which it is placed. Angelite is both a sender and receiver; telepathic communication is enhanced, contact with other worldly beings is initiated, and communication with one’s spirit totem is either introduced or the intensification of information is facilitated. It helps one in spiritual journeys and in astral travel, allowing for the experience of flight to be second-nature.
Apache Tears: Apache Tears, like most types of Obsidian, can be used for grounding and protection from negative energies. They link easily with one's emotional boy and can be used to cleanse and heal old wounds or emotional baggage that one may be carrying from the past, whether in this life or a previous one. Apache tears facilitate processing and release of frozen emotional patterns, especially those held below one's awareness. They are ideal helpers when one is working to uncover and release such blockages. Meditation with this crystal can open the floodgates of grief, allowing cleansing and release of feelings of woundedness or victimization.
Apatite: Apatite can be used to stimulate the intellect and to promote realization that one’s strength occurs through both spiritual avenues and via love; hence, dissolving aloofness and negativity.
Blue Apatite: Blue apatite is a cleansing influence on the auric field, especially in the mental body--the vibratory level associate with psychic perception and paranormal abilities. It is stimulating to visionary states and is a good stone to keep in one's pillowcase for lucid dreaming and astral travel.
Green Apatite: Green apatite is a wonderful tonic for frayed nerves and stress. Its energies are so soothing and cooling, one is reminded of the feeling of plunging into a pristine lake on a hot day. By blending the energies of heart chakra, throat chakra, and third eye chakra, Green apatite allows one to clearly communicate the balanced wisdom of the mind and heart. It can also assist one in communication with nature spirits, as well as in channeling healing energies to the Earth.
Golden Apatite: Golden apatite is one of the purest stones for the yellow ray, the vibration of mental clarity, strength of will and manifestation. It can help to strengthen the masculine aspects of the personality. It assists one in developing assertiveness and confidence in all situations.
Apophyllite: All apophyllite carry the vibrations of higher realms, and can be used to attune to these realities, which co-exist with our everyday world. Apophyllite stimulates the third eye and crown chakras, activating the higher mind and enhanced psychic abilities. It is particularly good at clearing blockages in the crown chakra. It can assist in gently opening this energy center at the top of the skull, which connects one with the spiritual source and expands consciousness. Apophyllites are excellent aids for the practice of meditation and being present in the now.
​Clear Apophyllite: Clear apophyllite is an excellent tool for increasing one's inner vision and psychic ability, enhancing the clarity of remote viewing. It is an excellent communication device for contacting spirit guides and for receiving direction from the Higher Self. It can help invoke the highest light into an environment or situation and is an excellent stone for healing rooms and altars.
Green Apophyllite: Green apophyllite focuses on amplifying the spiritual energies of the Earth and her inhabitants. This ally assists one in connecting and communicating with the power of Nature. It carries the energy of green, growing things, bringing vitality and health into one's aura.
Aquamarine: Aquamarine is a stone of courage. It enhances one’s ability for rapid intellectual response and helps one to remain impeccable through assimilation of knowledge concerning one's beginning and the reality which one has actualized. It accelerates the intellectual reasoning processes and makes one unconquerable through learning about oneself. It provides a shielding property for the aura and the subtle bodies. It encourages the ability to always be prepared. There is a flowing quality to the energy of aquamarine; at the same time, the energy is also structured so that balance and order are maintained. It provides for alignment of the chakras and balancing of the network structures connected the physical and ethereal bodies. It helps one to attune to more spiritual levels of awareness; for those who are involved in spiritual development.
Aragonite: Aragonite provides ease of centering oneself and is especially helpful during periods of stress and anger, or during the preparation for the state of meditation. It can also provide insight into the root of problems which one confronts on the physical plane and can stimulate communication on the higher planes. It enhances one’s patience and helps one to maintain comfortably during conditions requiring the acceptance of abundance of responsibilities.​
Astrophyllite: Astrophyllite exhibits the properties of facilitating astral travel or providing a method for one to view oneself from the outside, and of producing the recognition of one’s inherent self-esteem. It allows for the recognition that one has no limitations and that we are all stardust. It can help bring to life hidden forces and to show one that as one door closes another door opens. It also assists in absolving one from responsibility and in purging from one’s life that which should be eliminated such that one can continue to bod develop and to progress.
Aventurine: Aventurine provides for balancing of the male/female energies, enhancing one’s creativity, supplementing motivation in activities, and augmenting the pioneering spirit. It also reinforces one’s decisiveness, amplifies one’s leadership qualities, and is a willing participant in instinctive action. It facilitates balancing and alignment of the intellectual, emotional, physical, and auric bodies.
Azurite: Azurite is known as a "stone of heaven." It stimulates the pursuit of the heavenly self, providing for guidance via the third-eye and allowing for precise verbalization of psychic experiences. It awakens the development of the psychic self and provides for insight into all areas of one’s life. It also promotes the recognition of intuitive information which is relevant to the loving ways to further talents. It is the great benefactor, controlling the flow of energy and emitting precisely the amount of energy required in any situation.